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Jake can get vulnerable and speak on things that most would not. He has the power even after speaking, to truly connect with people and let people know that things get better. Some of his services are:

  • Keynote Speaking   

  • Motivational Speaker

  • Podcasts Host

  • Mentorship 



Embracing Vulnerability

Jake speaks on the power of opening up about our struggles. Many people want to be vulnerable but find fear in what may happen if they do. Jake speaks on how opening up allows us to be better leaders, friends, partners, and brings us all closer together. Jake believes that vulnerability is a superpower and uses his keynote to show others how to use this power to help them elevate their own lives.

Overcoming Obstacles

Jake uses his story to show the power of overcoming obstacles not only in life, but in the classroom and the workplace. His keynote provides hope and strategies to assist your students or team in learning to succeed and overcoming challenges. A lot of people lose hope when things seem to continuously go wrong. Jake is here to provide your team with insight on how to use these loses to propel you to win.

Mental Health

Jake understands that to hit that next level, it starts from within. A lot of teams and students believe that if they achieve a goal or milestone, it will make them feel better. That often leaves them feeling empty. Or when they do not hit that milestone, they tend to give up and feel like failures. Jake’s presentation is designed to teach others that when you start from the inside out, that is where true healing is found. He provides strategies to start putting your mental health first because he believes that the better, we are, the better we can be for everyone else.

Team Building

Jake’s biggest motto is “WeCan.” He believes that we are stronger as a unit. A lot of organizations and students struggle to make that connection to allow them to work together. There seems to often be a disconnect between leaders and staff, or teachers and students. Jake invites you to dive into how to connect with the people on your “team.” Jake believes that team building is not about showing power but making connections. His presentation highlights how to build connections in your team, so everyone can begin to excel.

Jake truly believes thatone person speaking life into someone can save a life.

He went through his darkest days of his mental illness all by himself, and doing that truly made him handle everything wrong.

That is why speaking is so important to him. He wants to be in this space to let people know that they are not alone and that getting better can happen.

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